Seul(e) Alone

Monday 25 January 2021

 Muchas sciencias y noticias convienen al pintor, de quien hablo, para la perfección de su virtud y cuando él no las pudiere saber cumplidamente todas, lo cual sería menester, debe, a lo menos, no estar ignorante de ellas, y en cada una por sí tener buena parte de noticia.(…) Mas, si alguno dijere que yo mando tener cosas que no solamente no se hallan en uno pero aún en muchos hombres cuanto más en un pintor sólo; respóndole a este tal: que el pintor de quien hablo como el antiguo Apeles o el nuevo MicaelAngelo tuvieron todo lo necesario, ni yo les mando tener más de estas cosas, y digo, que no es perfecto ni pintor el que esto necesario no tuviere de ellas; y por aquí sabrán los que no pueden tanto alcanzar cuan cerca o cuan lejos están de pintores. (Francisco de Holanda)

Thursday 21 January 2021


 Today a new era begins in the Americas.  Certainly much more Democratic and Diplomatic.  With nobility the former First Lady of the USA Melania Trump said goodbye to calm exalted spirits.  A new era begins again in the Americas, and we wish it to be an era of peaceful agreements between nations across the globe.  Our passage through this life needs to be great, magnificent and peaceful, without inhuman acts and with respect to our Nature.  All good thoughts and wishes for a world without wars or threats of wars.  Congratulations Joe Biden!  During medieval wars, book translators were the ones who coexisted among enemy nations, each more understanding the other through the translation of manuscript books.  Today we have digital and electronic translators, through the Internet as a tool of global reach, perhaps of interplanetary reach.  We need to define ethical parameters for commercial, recreational and fundamentally political use, because in the past when we met a person from another country, the possibility of meeting again was remote, today we maintain direct and simultaneous contact regardless of time zones or distances.  The world has become better without any doubt, but the human being of the last millennia has not changed so much.  We need to define ethical parameters of justice and equality in the uses of the internet and maintain connections around the world, because today we are all international.  We travel in space and time through virtual trails and that these trails lead us to an objective, which is the connection of good and good faith.  Congratulations and success in this helm that is to govern, which I do not dare.

Friday 1 January 2021


 Avvolto in diversi indumenti, il Belo continua a fornire esaltazioni di spirito e desideri.  Rimane nella sua natura distinta e nelle varietà sintetiche quando emana energie di strane composizioni, la comprensione, tuttavia, è percepita in intensità tali che la prendiamo con familiarità e intimità, così come le stelle così lontane e così vicine e attraverso la loro energia, si espandono  in via lactea sotto magnitudini di infinite sfumature di luci e forme infinite come i loro punti manifestati negli anni luce.  Da quella luce sono nati gli dei governanti e le loro personificazioni.  Una forza che genera questa energia nascosta nelle parti della sua “creazione” fa fluire il Bello, si manifesta nella totalità.

 Tra tante Bellezze, la Bellezza delle Muse personificata negli incantesimi, nella magia dell'ammirazione e nella poetica espressa.  La luce rivelatrice del Sole mostra la Luna e le sue facce in turni simultanei.  Piroetta, piroetta.  Generano movimento senza tempo delimitato.

 I corpi esalano le loro luci riflesse nello spettro, come un profumo che esala nello spazio e penetra debolmente i sensi.  Fissano l'impressione di incantesimi, sensi e sentimenti sulla retina.  Generano immagini di molteplici sogni ad occhi aperti, reali quanto la realtà fisica stessa, la finzione vissuta nella mente come se fosse materiale.  Ma l'immaginazione è reale e organica, i corpi soffrono e rinvigoriscono la loro conduzione dall'anima espansa come le luci che lampeggiano nel cielo.  Anche le anime nere si espandono, ma non sono stampabili, svaniscono davanti al Bello riflesso nelle stelle delle Muse.

 Dedico così a Monica Belluci questi versi sciolti di intenti poetici e pittorici con disegni virtuali di stelle che brillano ed emanano le loro luci senza limiti di confini o distanze, fornendo ispirazioni amplificate proporzionalmente in algoritmi.

Thursday 31 December 2020

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Monday 21 December 2020


Suspice caelum et ea quae in quo verum apparet in intellego me intellegere ubi visum est in me recta, quae curvam rectae aut in tempus et spatium.

Tuesday 1 December 2020


 How can we deny that the inventor of Moeda was a sculptor?  Who else but a sculptor?  The Philosopher, given the Emperor's will, may have thought it, certainly thought it, but the sculptor conceived and generated a skill emanating from the Soul without anticipating the ambition that this object would attract, the most sordid feelings.  The adjectives for Art are infinite.  Its diverse functions escape understanding and understanding.  Scientific definitions demonstrate how diverse it is in its manifestation.  Definitions generate definitions, so on.  The more speculative the more diverse it is and permeates what is necessary for life.  From the moment we were able to circumvent our own shadow to current times with the handling of numbers that give virtual form, without the need for prior knowledge in mathematics, a form contained in itself in the course of this proportional unfolding in time and space.  Art permeates the existence of "things" themselves, applied or idealized in matter, in mind, in the virtual and in the ethereal.  Simulates, represents, transmits, chameleonically.  It is exalted through a brain, it moves and extends, amplifying itself with infinite forms and diverse materials A direct contact between soul and mind.  As an instrument, it provokes religious and political ambition with such diverse purposes, as is the very definition of Art for each artistic sense and perception.

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Thursday 5 November 2020

Monica Bellucci


Friday 18 September 2020

Il Cantico di Frate Sole o Delle Creature


Altissimu, onnipotente bon Signore, 

Tue so' le laude, la gloria e l'honore et onne benedictione. 

Ad Te solo, Altissimo, se konfano, 

et nullu homo ène dignu te mentovare. 

Laudato sie, mi' Signore cum tucte le Tue creature,

spetialmente messor lo frate Sole, 

lo qual è iorno, et allumini noi per lui. 

Et ellu è bellu e radiante cum grande splendore: 

de Te, Altissimo, porta significatione. 

Laudato si', mi Siignore, per sora Luna e le stelle: 

il celu l'ài formate clarite et pretiose et belle. 

Laudato si', mi' Signore, per frate Vento 

et per aere et nubilo et sereno et onne tempo, 

per lo quale, a le Tue creature dài sustentamento. 

Laudato si', mi Signore, per sor'Acqua. 

la quale è multo utile et humile et pretiosa et casta. 

Laudato si', mi Signore, per frate Focu, 

per lo quale ennallumini la nocte: 

ed ello è bello et iocundo et robustoso et forte. 

Laudato si', mi Signore, per sora nostra matre Terra, 

la quale ne sustenta et governa, 

et produce diversi fructi con coloriti fior et herba. 

Laudato si', mi Signore, per quelli che perdonano per lo Tuo amore 

et sostengono infermitate et tribulatione. 

Beati quelli ke 'l sosterranno in pace, 

ka da Te, Altissimo, sirano incoronati. 

Laudato si' mi Signore, per sora nostra Morte corporale, 

da la quale nullu homo vivente pò skappare: 

guai a quelli ke morrano ne le peccata mortali; 

beati quelli ke trovarà ne le Tue sanctissime voluntati, 

ka la morte secunda no 'l farrà male. 

Laudate et benedicete mi Signore et rengratiate 

e serviateli cum grande humilitate.

San Francesco d'Assisi 

Saturday 8 August 2020

Sunday 5 July 2020

Friday 19 June 2020

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Michelangiolo Buonarroti

"Amore è un concetto di bellezza immaginata o vista dentro al core, amica di virtute e gentilezza."

Thursday 11 June 2020

Sunday 7 June 2020

I believed until then that I would go through this life without being obliged to give it to a dictatorial government. In view of the dissemination of fragmented data released about the pandemic, my feelings indicate that there is a policy by the federal government to implement a Dictatorship in Brazil. The people need to speak out and against this setback policy, which is using its own democracy to justify its decisions. Down with the Dictatorship!

Brazil managed to avoid the dictatorship of the previous government, and in due course the Bolsonaro government managed to elect itself with the demagogic discourse of democracy.  Likewise, the PT, in due course, waits for the moment to place itself on the political scene along the lines of the Bolsonaro government.  What differentiates between the policies of the current federal government and the previous one is the advertising clothes.  One used socialist discourse, the other used democratic discourse to impose despotisms.  The Brazilian is facing both sides of the same coin in the federal public administration.  We cannot return to the previous policy and we cannot maintain the current policy!

Friday 5 June 2020

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Saturday 23 May 2020

“Ma è davvero scomodo e irragionevole voler porre un limite alle opere degli altri e, come diceva Cícero, voler pretendere la mediocrità da ciò che è meglio tanto più grande è."

Monday 11 May 2020

Monday 27 April 2020



Hijas de Mnemósine y del resonante Zeus, Musas Piérides, afamadas, gloriosas, muy gratas para los mortales que visitáis, multiformes, generadoras del irreprochable valor que supone toda instrucción. Nutridoras del alma, ordenadoras del pensamiento, soberanas conductoras de la mente vigorosa. Vosotras, que disteis a conocer a los mortales los misterios rituales, Clío, Euterpe, Talía, Melpómene, Terpsícore, Erato, Polimnia, Urania, juntamente con la madre Calíope y la poderosa diosa Hagne . Mas, ea, venid, por favor, para vuestros iniciados, multicolores y castas, aportando una emulación gloriosa, deseada y por muchos celebrada.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Monday 20 April 2020

With what words to evaluate a public demonstration, which claims a Dictatorial government, which would use force to suppress demonstrations like this one? A demonstration that used Democracy to demand Dictatorship. With what words?

A people that dreams of entering a war as a solution to internal political problems.  Faced with quarantine, he decided to opt for a dictatorship in order not to join the fight against the covid-19.  What can you expect from such a country?

Tuesday 14 April 2020



Invoco a la sagrada luz de los Astros celestiales, al par que conjuro, con voces rituales, a las sagradas deidades. Estrellas celestiales, amadas hijas de la negra Noche, que se mueve en vertiginosos remolinos en torno al trono, reflectores de luz, ardientes, perennes engendradoras de todo, detentadoras del destino, porque son prenunciadoras de toda resolución suya, al cuidar del sendero que los dio¬ses reservan a los hombres mortales; vigilantes de las zonas de siete luces, erráticas por el firmamento; celestiales y terrenales, veloces como la llama, de perenne solidez, que proyectan su luz sobre el manto sombrío de la noche, bri¬llando con destellos y se mantienen alegres en vigilia. Ve¬nid, pues, a las tareas que requieren un gran conocimiento de nuestro piadoso ritual, realizando un noble trayecto pa¬ra una empresa gloriosa. Invoco a la sagrada luz de los Astros celestiales, al par que conjuro, con voces rituales, a las sagradas deidades. Estrellas celestiales, amadas hijas de la negra Noche, que se mueven en vertiginosos remolinos en torno al trono.


Escúchame, afortunado, que posees una mirada eterna y omnividente, Titán de áureo resplandor, Hiperión , luz celestial, autoengendrado, infatigable, grato rostro de los seres vivos, creador de la Aurora, a la derecha y a la iz¬quierda de la Noche; que regulas la temperatura de las estaciones, saltando con tus cuadrúpedos. Brioso, silbante, inflamado, de rostro alegre, auriga, que realizas un trayecto en vertiginosos círculos, guía que convoca a los piadosos; furibundo para los impíos, poseedor de áurea lira, que trazas el armonioso sendero del universo, rector de nobles empresas, joven nutridor de las estaciones, soberano del universo, de agudo soplido, raudo como centella, de movimientos circulares, generador de luz, multiforme, vivificante, fértil Peán. Eterno, puro, padre del tiempo, inmortal Zeus; apacible, visible a todos, mirada envolvente del universo, cuando te extingues y cuando iluminas con brillantes y hermosos rayos, guardián de la justicia, amante del agua, señor del mundo, guardián de la buena fe, supremo por siempre, socorredor de todos, ojo de la justi¬cia, luz de la vida. Auriga, que impulsas tu cuadriga con el restallante látigo. Escucha, pues, mis palabras y descubre a tus iniciados la dulzura de la vida.


Escucha, regia diosa, generadora de luz, divina Sele¬ne, Luna de cuernos de toro, que, noctámbula por las rutas del aire, a lo largo de la noche, sostienes una antor¬cha; doncella, hermosa estrella, Luna, creciente y menguan¬te, hembra y macho ; de sólido resplandor, que gustas de los caballos, madre del tiempo, portadora de frutos, ambarina, de fuerte carácter, relumbrante en medio de la noche, omnividente en vigilia, pujante entre bellos astros. Complaciente con la paz y la felicidad de la noche, brillan¬te, otorgadora de alegría, culminadora, gala de la noche, reina de los astros, vestida de largo peplo, de sinuosa carrera, sapientísima doncella. Ven, pues, bienaventurada, benévola, bello astro, refulgente por tu luz, y salva, donce¬lla, a tus jóvenes suplicantes.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Given the current context of Pandemic, in which Democracy must prevail, the people, in the case of Brazil, are the ones who decide how to conduct prevention against COVID-19. However, most Brazilians, regardless of their social class, do not assume responsibilities. If the majority's decisions work out, that's fine. But if it does not result in anything, the same ones that fostered the will of the people, will encourage the search for a scapegoat. They will need a culprit to assume their mistakes. In Brazil, the law of the strongest prevails! The strongest physically, financially, most well connected, the one with the most followers on social networks, the one who wears the most expensive clothes, the one with the best health conditions, the one with the most prestige, the one who exercises influence traffic, what it has a better structured life, those who have traveled more and also those considered more intelligent and maintain the monopoly of knowledge, and everything else. They have the privilege in Brazil to transfer responsibilities to the weakest and choose to blame for their mistakes. BEFORE THIS CONTEXT, I PREFER TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY WITH ME EVEN AND I SAVE HIMSELF AT HOME, EVEN WITHOUT ANY RIGHT TO RESOURCES OFFERED BY THE GOVERNMENT, WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO WORK AND WITHOUT MEANS OF SEARCHING FOR MY NEEDS. I will not agree with the will of the People, but with what I am sure is important in the preservation of Health and Life.

Tuesday 7 April 2020

Sunday 22 March 2020

Thursday 20 February 2020

Sunday 9 February 2020

En ce moment

je pense au surréalisme, à André Breton devant des mots lâches sans temps de réflexion préalable.  Écriture automatique, dans ce cas, mots déclaratoires du gouvernement.

Saturday 1 February 2020

Saturday 25 January 2020

Saturday 18 January 2020

Arte , Política, Religião, Publicidade e Livre Abítrio

A relação entre Arte, Política, Religião e Publicidade produzem como é visível na História, quimeras que persistem no tempo. Nenhuma das tragicas demonstrações foram suficientes para comprovar, quão retrogrados são, pactos e conformidades nesta relação. Implicita ou explicitamente, essas quimeras se manifestam e tomam a Arte como ferramenta, instrumento de controle das liberdades,  ou sufocam, aniquilam seus preceitos de harmonia e composição da diversidade produzidas pela Natureza. Não cabe a Arte, nem a Cultura posicionamentos imperativos, nem tão pouco as rédeas ideologicas do Estado ou de grupos de interesses comuns como Partidos e Igrejas, independente das crenças, crendices, vontades, desejos de Artistas, profissionais e Linguagens das Artes.

Art, Politics, Religion, Advertising and Free Will

The relationship between Art, Politics, Religion and Advertising produces, as is visible in history, chimeras that persist in time.  None of the tragic demonstrations were enough to prove, how backward they are, pacts and conformities in this relationship.  Implicitly or explicitly, these chimeras manifest themselves and take Art as a tool, an instrument for controlling freedoms, or stifle, annihilate their precepts of harmony and the composition of diversity produced by Nature.  It is not up to Art, nor to Culture imperative positions, nor the ideological reins of the State or of common interest groups such as Parties and Churches, regardless of the beliefs, beliefs, desires, desires of Artists, professionals and Languages ​​of the Arts.

Saturday 7 September 2019

Thursday 15 August 2019

Sunday 4 August 2019

Monday 29 July 2019

ABSTRACTION (updated edition)

Completion Text of the Postgraduate Discipline (1st Sem. 2019).
ECA USP Visual Arts: Painting in Question
Subject: CAP5872
Concentration Area: 27159
Responsible Lecturer: Marco Garaude Giannotti


Marcelo Rodrigues Peres

       The Arts over time remain in constant restarts. In the reflection of its actuality, it refers to the past and recreates the present, as reaffirmation or rupture. Among the artistic languages, Painting remains a timeless expression. From its beginnings to the present through its elements, the intention to represent the unseen holds in many ways, with or without scientific foundations. Art and Science are autonomous, but contribute to the understanding of what we can understand as reality. The Renaissance rescued Greco-Roman canons, the Baroque emerged as a break. Neoclassicism, rescued the Renaissance and Greco-Roman concepts, then Impressionism was based on science, and Cubism plus the vanguards of the early twentieth century once again broke with the past and retain branches of their foundations until then.
       Reality as we perceive, feel and represent it is far beyond the possibilities of perception. A multidimensional universe reveals itself with the advances of astronomy, thus contradicting our conception of space and time, amid fragments of fragments that are interconnected by algorithms. In this context of artificial intelligence, what is Art proposed through Painting in this context? Possibly a mere illustration of this virtual reality, where colors are binary codes that give us a certain feel used for a specific purpose on the web.
       A challenge is projected: to determine the artistic function of Painting and Art in the virtual environment. Color no longer as pigments or dyes fixed by binders on supports made of wood, paper or fabric, but as algorithmic codes, which in origin are abstractions. The Work of Art is subject to electronic and digital devices as a support or mechanism of advertising projections in mobile shop windows.
     Perception is the main phenomenon that determines senses and meanings whether reality is scientific or not. Among the artistic languages, Painting, due to its traditional practice, stars in this analysis, to which I refer myself to Leonardo da Vinci, in his Treatise on Painting, in which, amid the Renaissance canons, he affirms that a person looking at a surface like a Rock and visualize a battle scene is an Artist. This brought me to abstraction, or a sense of abstraction amid the concepts of the time. In my view, formulating images and shapes across a surface that apparently forms at random from nature determines an artistic sense promoted by mechanisms of perception, such as Gestalt. In the twentieth century, after centuries of aesthetic debate, Merleau-Ponty states that we are not the ones who look at Art, but the Art that looks at us. This is another phenomenon of perception which, connected with Leonardo's statement, reveals that a priori, Art as a sense that materializes through the Work, therefore an Abstraction itself with certain forms.
Throughout the ages, technologies, processes and materials have been developed to make visible artistic concepts and conceptions through different world languages, specific to each era and sociocultural contexts. To this end, an intrinsic "sense" expands and provides symbolic meanings or not. Thus configures the Poetic phenomenon, which surpasses the material representation, ie the phenomenon of perception.
     In the Work below, prepared by Sequences performed by repeated gestures from reflections on the possibilities of connection forms. The straight line as a geometric expression is intended as an interpretative representation, filling spaces through compositions that suggest hatches to determine color planes and provide movement of the look or retina in order to achieve set synthesis. A graphical representation of defragmentation, in the face of the tangle of information and fragments contained and stored in the Web system. The starting point is a random straight line in space, which, because it does not exist in nature, suggests something that I define as fictionality. starting point for an undetermined composition that suggests itself during development. The geometric forms emerged as a challenge, as it contrasts with the frantic gestures of abstract expressionism, as well as the possibility of representing the mathematical content of the digital languages ​​that contextualize the present. The color, in view of its optical nature in the scientific field and its semantic use, in the midst of the development of the artistic process, assumes the foreground position in the composition, because lines or strokes build the color set. From the apparent disorder of the traces, the color organizes the pictorial elements, a unifying element, link in the expression of the whole of the Work.

Marcelo Peres.
Title: Sequence IV.
Technique: Acrylic without screen.
95x66 Cms.
Year: 2018
       Art demands for itself an existence through its elements and conceptual autonomy, needs to materialize, to become visible through the matter that has been determining the 21st century: Mathematical binary codes.
     In contemporary times the digital universe contextualizes artistic productions. Computer resources are introduced into artistic poetics more frequently as robotics and artificial intelligence technologies develop. Given this finding, electronic devices assume the supporting role of Art regardless of the degree of technical interactivity. The Renaissance window resumes its function in the 21st century with the computer screen and cell phones among others.
     The semantic definitions of Art are self-regulating through social networks without the need for prior knowledge, just the opinion of individual taste in the classification of what is good / bad and right / wrong. Ethical judgments submit to the rhetorical and sophistic power of opinion formation.
     Truths are defined by the number of “followers”, “likes” and “shares” based on individual beliefs without clear confirmations of the information issued. In the meantime, concepts are defined based on the manipulation of data, interpretations without knowledge base and without due care.
     Artistic poetics today are of another nature, are determined by algorithmic commands and are composed full interactivity. They constitute an inverse movement of fragmentation that dominated the twentieth century. The possibilities for reordering are widened and Art becomes accessible and democratized in globalized concepts.

Wednesday 17 July 2019


Completion Text of the Postgraduate Discipline (1st Sem. 2019).
ECA USP Visual Arts: Painting in Question
Orientation: Marco Garaude Giannotti


Marcelo Rodrigues Peres

       The Arts over time remain in constant restarts. In the reflection of its actuality, it refers to the past and recreates the present, as reaffirmation or rupture. Among the artistic languages, Painting remains a timeless expression. From its beginnings to the present through its elements, the intention to represent the unseen holds in many ways, with or without scientific foundations. Art and Science are autonomous, but contribute to the understanding and understanding of what we can understand as reality. The Renaissance rescued Greco-Roman canons, the Baroque emerged as a break. Neo Classicism, rescued the Renaissance, Impressionism was based on science, then Cubism plus the Vanguards of the early twentieth century broke once again with the past and maintain ramifications of their foundations until then.
       Reality as we perceive, feel and represent it is far beyond the possibilities of perception. A multidimensional universe reveals itself with the advances of astronomy, thus contradicting our conception of space and time, amid fragments of fragments that are interconnected by algorithms. In this context of artificial intelligence, what is Painting in Art proposed for? Possibly a mere illustration of this virtual reality, where colors are binary codes that give us a certain feel used for a specific purpose on the web.
       A challenge is projected: to determine the artistic function of Painting in the virtual environment, the main element that characterizes it is Color. No longer as a pigment or dye fixed by binders on wood, paper or fabric supports, but as algorithmic codes, which in origin are abstractions. The Work of Art is subject to electronic and digital devices as a support or mechanism of advertising projections in mobile shop windows.
       In the Work below, prepared by Sequences performed by repeated gestures from reflections on the possibilities of connection forms. The straight line as a geometric expression is intended as an interpretative representation, filling spaces through compositions that suggest hatches to determine color planes and provide movement of the look or retina in order to achieve set synthesis. A graphical representation of defragmentation, facing the tangle of information and fragments contained and stored in the Web system.

Image: Author: Marcelo Peres.
Title: Sequence IV. T
 Acrylic without screen. 95x66 Cms. Year: 2018

       Art demands for itself an existence through its elements and conceptual autonomy, and Painting as Color needs to materialize, to become visible through the matter that has determined the 21st century: Mathematical binary codes. Algorithms.

Sao Paulo, July 16, 2019

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Comparison between the beginning of the 20th century and the 21st century

The passage from century to century, is an important moment in the collective unconscious. Something needs to stay in the past, something needs to arise. A new world awakens expectations.
The scientific vibration at the end of the nineteenth century expands the horizons for previously impossible possibilities, knowledge expands and brings solutions for life.
In that context Cezanne is interpreting the world through elementary forms and suggests a new reality.
Science produces approaches. The maritime and commercial expansion of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries began a process of cultural connection that materialized with the new discoveries of the sciences. Distances became shorter. Thus, the turn of the century began a period of transformations, innovations and expectations of scientific progress in which Cubism, like other artistic movements, springs from the need to break with sociocultural values ​​overcome and the illusory perception and understanding of reality . Other fields are opened for the understanding and interpretation of objects through infinite points of view on reality.
As the end of the nineteenth century, the end of the twentieth century generated expectations. The discoveries of the sciences evolved the technologies and the distances were undone with the mass media. Knowledge spread, approached, provided contacts between people from all countries, regions, cultures and ways of life through the ultimate splitting of papyri, engraving, illuminations and the press: the Internet.
Knowledge and access to information available to all.
The passage from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century extended and extended and noted possibilities in the process of globalization, which took shape and form fully in the passage of the twentieth century to the XXI.
Thus we arrive in the present day with a process of globalization that expands beyond space, time, matter and the unconscious.
In the comparison between the two passages of centuries, one element in common: perception. At the beginning of the twentieth century the gaze fragmented and at the beginning of the 21st century, the impossibility of defragmentation.
Other fields open up for the understanding and interpretation of objects and reality.
Marcelo Peres

Sunday 2 June 2019

blog for disclosure of people with the characteristics of Brazilians of the worst strain

Saturday 18 May 2019

Sunday 17 March 2019


hoc spatio invisibilis inter nos
finibus spatii aetherium

Thursday 21 February 2019

Marcelo Peres compartilhou o seguinte arquivo:
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Saturday 5 January 2019

Friday 4 January 2019

Color off

Look, the elements of Art used as political representations by opposition. I want to remember that elements of the Art were used as political references by the Nazis. In Brazil this resource has been used as an Opposition. Art is self-transformation tool, in no hypothesis political attack tool. Simply in Brazil, every color theory studied over the centuries has been misrepresented to be used as an ideological weapon by anti-government policies. Brazil has been recreating the meanings of colors without considering its real materiality. What will I do, an Artist of traces and colors after this re-creation, and that every color I use to express myself is interpreted, according to political expediency? Please leave the colors to us Artists, use the tools of your own activities of interest. Do not imprison us with concepts without foundation. Do not use the elements of Art to hide your incompetence. This only demonstrates what justified the defeat in the polls of PT rhetoric and associates. Play with the role of yourselves without appropriating what you do not know!

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Saturday 15 December 2018

Marcelo Peres compartilhou o seguinte arquivo:
Google Drive: tenha todos os seus arquivos a seu alcance em qualquer dispositivo.
Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
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Friday 23 November 2018

Friday 26 October 2018

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Saturday 13 October 2018

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Sunday 7 October 2018

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Friday 28 September 2018

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Friday 14 September 2018

Wednesday 29 August 2018

ma come può l'amore essere amore se non va oltre l'immaginazione?

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.