A relação entre Arte, Política, Religião e Publicidade produzem como é visível na História, quimeras que persistem no tempo. Nenhuma das tragicas demonstrações foram suficientes para comprovar, quão retrogrados são, pactos e conformidades nesta relação. Implicita ou explicitamente, essas quimeras se manifestam e tomam a Arte como ferramenta, instrumento de controle das liberdades, ou sufocam, aniquilam seus preceitos de harmonia e composição da diversidade produzidas pela Natureza. Não cabe a Arte, nem a Cultura posicionamentos imperativos, nem tão pouco as rédeas ideologicas do Estado ou de grupos de interesses comuns como Partidos e Igrejas, independente das crenças, crendices, vontades, desejos de Artistas, profissionais e Linguagens das Artes.
Art, Politics, Religion, Advertising and Free Will
The relationship between Art, Politics, Religion and Advertising produces, as is visible in history, chimeras that persist in time. None of the tragic demonstrations were enough to prove, how backward they are, pacts and conformities in this relationship. Implicitly or explicitly, these chimeras manifest themselves and take Art as a tool, an instrument for controlling freedoms, or stifle, annihilate their precepts of harmony and the composition of diversity produced by Nature. It is not up to Art, nor to Culture imperative positions, nor the ideological reins of the State or of common interest groups such as Parties and Churches, regardless of the beliefs, beliefs, desires, desires of Artists, professionals and Languages of the Arts.
Art, Politics, Religion, Advertising and Free Will
The relationship between Art, Politics, Religion and Advertising produces, as is visible in history, chimeras that persist in time. None of the tragic demonstrations were enough to prove, how backward they are, pacts and conformities in this relationship. Implicitly or explicitly, these chimeras manifest themselves and take Art as a tool, an instrument for controlling freedoms, or stifle, annihilate their precepts of harmony and the composition of diversity produced by Nature. It is not up to Art, nor to Culture imperative positions, nor the ideological reins of the State or of common interest groups such as Parties and Churches, regardless of the beliefs, beliefs, desires, desires of Artists, professionals and Languages of the Arts.