Seul(e) Alone

Thursday, 21 January 2021


 Today a new era begins in the Americas.  Certainly much more Democratic and Diplomatic.  With nobility the former First Lady of the USA Melania Trump said goodbye to calm exalted spirits.  A new era begins again in the Americas, and we wish it to be an era of peaceful agreements between nations across the globe.  Our passage through this life needs to be great, magnificent and peaceful, without inhuman acts and with respect to our Nature.  All good thoughts and wishes for a world without wars or threats of wars.  Congratulations Joe Biden!  During medieval wars, book translators were the ones who coexisted among enemy nations, each more understanding the other through the translation of manuscript books.  Today we have digital and electronic translators, through the Internet as a tool of global reach, perhaps of interplanetary reach.  We need to define ethical parameters for commercial, recreational and fundamentally political use, because in the past when we met a person from another country, the possibility of meeting again was remote, today we maintain direct and simultaneous contact regardless of time zones or distances.  The world has become better without any doubt, but the human being of the last millennia has not changed so much.  We need to define ethical parameters of justice and equality in the uses of the internet and maintain connections around the world, because today we are all international.  We travel in space and time through virtual trails and that these trails lead us to an objective, which is the connection of good and good faith.  Congratulations and success in this helm that is to govern, which I do not dare.

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