Given the current context of Pandemic, in which Democracy must prevail, the people, in the case of Brazil, are the ones who decide how to conduct prevention against COVID-19. However, most Brazilians, regardless of their social class, do not assume responsibilities. If the majority's decisions work out, that's fine. But if it does not result in anything, the same ones that fostered the will of the people, will encourage the search for a scapegoat. They will need a culprit to assume their mistakes. In Brazil, the law of the strongest prevails! The strongest physically, financially, most well connected, the one with the most followers on social networks, the one who wears the most expensive clothes, the one with the best health conditions, the one with the most prestige, the one who exercises influence traffic, what it has a better structured life, those who have traveled more and also those considered more intelligent and maintain the monopoly of knowledge, and everything else. They have the privilege in Brazil to transfer responsibilities to the weakest and choose to blame for their mistakes. BEFORE THIS CONTEXT, I PREFER TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY WITH ME EVEN AND I SAVE HIMSELF AT HOME, EVEN WITHOUT ANY RIGHT TO RESOURCES OFFERED BY THE GOVERNMENT, WITHOUT BEING ABLE TO WORK AND WITHOUT MEANS OF SEARCHING FOR MY NEEDS. I will not agree with the will of the People, but with what I am sure is important in the preservation of Health and Life.