Seul(e) Alone

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Unfortunately, Brazilian citizens or Brazilian voters do not have the right to report harassment by politicians or political advisors. We civilians are prevented from defending ourselves against political articulations and maneuvers financed by political parties, candidates, and elected politicians. Brazilians must have the right to denounce the harassment of politicians who use the privileged forum to threaten the voter. This right is only valid in times of political campaigns, it needs to be extended to the entire calendar period. Yearly. We need legal resources to defend ourselves from the impositions of politicians, sponsors of candidates and political parties so that we can actually be voters aware of our civility. As long as elected politicians, political advisors and party sympathizers have the right to impose a halter vote, using poverty as a tool of manipulation, Brazil will be in the hands of criminals who have the right to transfer responsibilities to scapegoats incapable of perceiving criminal political maneuvers .


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